Miei cari lettori Rosa Shokking,
vi mancavo vero? Lo so che vi stavate chiedendo: cosa sta facendo Elena dall’altra parte dell’oceano, perche’ non si fa sentire? Aspettavo solo l’occasione giusta. E l’ho trovata: la rassegna cinematografica “Open Roads. New Italian Cinema”.

In questi 8 anni sono stati proiettati piu’ di 150 film italiani, tutti con una grandissimo riscontro di pubblico. Orgogliosi di presentare le propri opere sono venuti a farsi conoscere al pubblico newyorkese alcuni dei nostri piu’ promettenti e affermati registi e attori che ho avuto la grande opportunita’ di intervistare. Quindi “stay tuned” perche’ presto arriveranno le interviste a Fabrizio Gifuni, Jasmine Trinca, Gianni Zanasi (regista di “Non pensarci”), Davide Marengo (regista di “Notturno Bus”), Ferzan Ozpetek, Silvio Soldini e Andrea Molaioli (regista di “La ragazza del lago”).

La manifestazione si e’ aperta ieri sera al Walter Reade Theater con una festa per la proiezione del film di Silvio Soldini “Giorni e nuvole”. Il regista ha comunicato agli spettatori che il film verra’ distribuito negli Stati Uniti a partire dall’11 di luglio.

My dear Rosa Shokking people,
here I am again, in New York attending a film festival! The Film Society of Lincoln center for the eighth year in a row hosts “Open Roads. New Italian Cinema”. A series of screenings of recent Italian movies that have “broken away from old models and genres” and have shown a spirit of independence. Many acclaimed and promising Italian directors have come to town to present their movies and I had the great opportunity to meet few of them, so stay tuned to listen to their interviews.
The festival opened yesterday night with a reception for the screening of the movie “Days and Clouds” directed by Silvio Soldini. The director himself communicated to the audience that the film will open in the United States on the 11th of July.
It is a tremendous feat that this is Soldini’s second film premiering in the US (the first was Bread & Tulips) given that a very low percentage of foreign movies get distribution in the States. Many of the Open Roads’ screenings are already sold out, showing the great interest New York viewers have for Italian movies. All the directors I met actually told me that they can’t wait to spy on the American audience watching their movies and analyze its reaction. Of course they also can’t wait to visit the city that never sleeps and who knows, maybe they’ll have the inspiration for their next movie!!
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